Beyond Expectations (Just A Minute #114)

But think on me when it shall be well with thee, and shew kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house: (Genesis 40:14)
We rarely have any idea of how much God is actually doing for us.
Jacob’s favorite son had been thrown into an Egyptian prison for something he didn’t do. In that humiliating place he amazingly retained a firm trust in Jehovah, who many years before had made him a promise through a series of dreams.
Though his own dreams had not yet been fulfilled in any way, his interest in this mode of divine revelation did not seem to have diminished. This is obvious by how intrigued he was with the predicament of the royal butler and baker who came into his care. When he saw how disturbed they were by two puzzling dreams, he promptly encouraged the men to share them so he could ask God for their meaning.
What he could not possibly know was that by helping these two men with their dreams he was actually unlocking a door to the fulfillment of his!
He really had no idea. The most Joseph hoped for was that somehow the Pharoah might reward him with a pardon from prison. No doubt this had been his daily prayer for years.
Well, the Lord was preparing some surprises for His faithful young man. Totally unknown to Joseph, the interpretations of the two dreams were links in a chain of events that would kick into high gear exactly two years later. At just that time, God sent to earth another pair of dreams, which landed in the mind of the most powerful man in the world. After a few brief conversations, the unjustly incarcerated Joseph was launched out of the prison gates and into the magnificent courts of the palace.
Joseph’s wish for liberty was honored by his heavenly Father, exceeding abundantly above what he asked or thought! He had just wanted to be free, but the Lord rewarded his faith in an extravagant way.
Though he had never read the Apostle Paul’s statement in Ephesians 3, nor possibly ever considered the fact that Jehovah might reward him beyond his imagination, he had lived by faith. He had waited patiently on God, rejoiced in prison, and always honored the Lord. Perhaps, from the angels’ viewpoint, the outcome was totally predictable.
God went beyond his wildest expectations.
The astonishing thing is that He wants to do the same for you and me. Times change but God does not. He still extravagantly rewards the faithful.
Have you ever wondered if God was doing anything for you? Have you ever seen yourself in a dreary dungeon where the Lord, and everyone of any importance, has forgotten you?
Then you are supposed to take heart in Joseph’s story, especially if you have been faithfully serving God in your unknown corner. He is probably still arranging the extra details behind the scenes.
Oh yes, usually the longer the wait, the more awesome the reward.
Dear Father, it is a wonderful experience to see You reward my meager faith in ways that are totally out of proportion. Over and over again You surprise me with more than I should ever expect. You have done it through the ages, because You never change. Amen.